Thursday, February 28, 2008


PERSONAL ATTACKS ALLOWED IN ISLAM - HADI: BESUT, Feb 27 (Bernama) -- PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said PAS will resort to personal attacks against Barisan Nasional(BN) candidates aimed at garnering support of the people. He said personal attacks were allowed in Islam as with electing leaders who were clean and of noble character. "Islam allows us to make personal attacks. For example, during the time of Prophet Muhammad, a woman came and asked him how to choose a husband. "Muhammad replied: Between a pauper and a basher, marry the pauper. (this shows that women are given the choice to choose their husbands.) "This is only about choosing a husband, not a leader. In choosing a national leader we must find one who is clean and of noble character. In the process, personal attacks are allowed," he said at a PAS ceramah at Kampung Nail, Kuala Besut near here.

ELECTION 2008: Shocking that Hadi could issue character assassination ruling: PM - Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi expressed shock over how the Pas president could issue a ruling allowing its members to engage in character assassination of Barisan Nasional candidates. "I am surprised how a president of an Islamic party can issue a ruling like that,” he said in commenting on reports that Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang had issued a ruling allowing party candidates to character assassinate their opponents. "It is totally against our religion. It is amazing that he does not understand this," Abdullah said. Hadi had quoted Quranic verses and claimed they meant it was all right for candidates to reveal the wrongdoings of their opponents to ensure righteousness prevail. Abdullah said Hadi's views clearly showed that although the latter was leading an Islamic party, he was asking the party followers to do something that was wrong.

ELECTION 2008: Hadi using Machiavellian tactics in election campaign: Annuar - Expressing his dismay at Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang's greenlighting party candidates to resort to character assassinations, Kelantan BN chief Datuk Annuar Musa said Pas president seemed to be adopting a Machiavellian tactic where the ends justifies the means in order to win the election. "Go ahead, do your worse," he said. Annuar felt that this showed Hadi’s desperation to win that drove him to come up with such views. "I think he (Hadi) is leaning to Machiavelli and not the Sunnah. Most politicians have a tendency to do that when they are so desperate to win, all the don'ts become do's. However, we cannot change the religious tenets to suit the time. If the Quran clearly says that we cannot talk bad or call each other bad names.” However, Annuar said the BN members would not respond in kind to such provocations or engage in name callings. "I've made it very clear from day one that we would not stoop to their level or dance to their tune. We will stick to our campaign," he said.

Pilihan raya medan rakyat menghukum pemimpin - Haron Din: KUALA LUMPUR, 28 Feb (Hrkh) - Timbalan Mursyidul Am PAS, Dato' Dr Haron Din menegaskan Islam membenarkan kempen mendedahkan keburukan calon parti lawan bagi memastikan pemimpin yang dipilih oleh rakyat benar-benar berwibawa serta berkredibiliti. Sebelum itu beliau menyelar sikap pihak akhbar tempatan yang melaporkan kenyataan bercanggah maksud mengumpat yang dinyatakan oleh Presiden PAS, Dato' Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang. "Saya sudah mendengar sebelum itu apa yang Haji Hadi sebut bukan seperti yang dilaporkan dalam utusan Malaysia," katanya. Menurut beliau, orang yang berkempen sama ada Umno atau PAS boleh menyebut keadaan sebenar iaitu keburukan orang yang bakal menjadi pemimpin (calon). Katanya, suasana sekarang kerajaan menjadi satu medan yang akan dihukum oleh rakyat dan perlu menghadapi tuduhan daripada pembangkang.

Dedah keburukan calon dibenarkan, bukannya mengumpat: KUALA LUMPUR, 28 Feb (Hrkh) - Apa yang diketengahkan Presiden PAS, Dato' Seri Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Hadi Awang mengenai pendedahan keburukan pihak lawan itu bukanlah mengumpat dalam konteks memilih pemimpin. Setiausaha Akhbar Presiden, Roslan Shahir Dato' Mohd Shahir, berkata mengumpat itu membawa makna sesuatu yang begitu negatif, sedangkan apa yang dimaksudkan oleh Ustaz Hadi ialah mendedahkan keburukan seseorang yang berasas dan bersandarkan fakta. "Apa yang diketengahkan Presiden bukan mengumpat kerana mengumpat ini satu benda yang sangat negatif. Apa yang dimaksudkan ialah mendedahkan keburukan pemimpin yang berasas seperti contoh Dato' Zakaria Derus yang digugurkan. Kalau dia dicalonkan, takkanlah tak boleh nak ceritakan dia buat rumah RM 8 juta. Itu fakta yang rakyat perlu tahu," jelas beliau dalam sidang akhbar, di Pejabat Agung PAS, hari ini.

Feb 29, 2008:
ELECTION 2008: 'Hadi fatwa against Islamic teachings'
: KEPALA BATAS: Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yesterday expressed dismay over the Pas leader's edict allowing party members to vilify political opponents. "I am surprised how a president of an Islamic party can issue a fatwa like that. It is totally against our religion's teachings. It is amazing that he does not understand this," he said. He was asked to comment on reports that Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang had issued a fatwa (religious decree) giving the party's candidates permission to engage in character assassination of their adversaries. "Islam allows such action as long as we don't fabricate stories," Hadi was quoted as saying during a ceramah in Kuala Besut, Terengganu, on Tuesday night. Abdullah said Hadi's views showed that although the latter was leading an Islamic party, he was asking the followers to do something wrong. "He has issued all kinds of fatwa previously. It looks like he is very hardworking when it comes to issuing fatwa."

Malaysia's Islamic opposition blasted for permitting personal attacks in campaign: KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Malaysia's main Muslim opposition party is allowing its members to make personal attacks against rivals while campaigning for next week's general election, party officials said Friday, despite the government's contention that Islam forbids such tactics. The Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, or PAS, told its candidates earlier this week that they can make public accusations about an opponents' misbehavior or personal flaws "based on facts," party secretary general Kamarudin Jaffar said. "We are all politicians. We are open to scrutiny by the public," Kamarudin said. "There are clear characteristics for (Muslim) leaders ... to live a clean life." Kamarudin did not say what specific leaders or officials might be targeted with personal attacks, but the party has often accused Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and other government leaders of being corrupt and immoral.

March 1, 2008:
MUSLIMS ADVISED TO BE WARY OF PAS' EDICTS:JERTIH, Feb 29 (Bernama) -- Be wary of the ''fatwa'' (religious edicts) issued by PAS leaders, as they are merely to fish for votes in the run-up to the March 8 general election. This advice comes from Minister in the Prime Minister''s Department, Datuk Dr Abdullah Md Zin who noted that PAS had also issued such edicts in previous general elections. He said the ''fatwa'' like allowing Muslims to indulge in character assassination, and that it was sinful for them to vote for Barisan Nasional (BN), should be corrected. "Actually, PAS has run out of issues," he told reporters after a meeting with the Chinese community at the Jertih MCA office here today. Abdullah said this when asked to comment on the ''fatwa'' issued by PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, allowing PAS candidates to indulge in character assassination in this general election.

'Mengumpat Calon': Contoh Terbaik - Membaca akhbar Utusan Malaysia kita akan menatap berita muka hadapan mengenai Presiden Pas, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang yang dikatakan mengeluarkan ‘fatwa’ membenarkan semua calon Pas yang bertanding mengumpat, membuat tuduhan serta mendedahkan keburukan lawan masing-masing. Beliau dilaporkan berkata, Islam membenarkan tindakan tersebut kerana urusan memilih pemimpin merupakan satu perkara yang amat besar selain menepati sistem demokrasi moden.Untuk mereka yang belajar ilmu hadis sampai ke tahap PhD, mereka pasti perlu melalui satu disiplin ilmu yang hebat. Ilmu tersebut dinamai ahlu'l jarh wa ta'dil. Ilmu ini adalah sejenis ilmu yang bertujuan untuk menyiasat perawi hadis apakah mereka ini adil, atau pandai berbohong. Penelitian ulama dalamahlu'l jarh wa ta'dil membolehkan ulama silam menyusun sunan sittah yang merangkumi kitab hadis Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidzi, Nasa'ei, Abu Dawud dan Ibn Majah. Cabang ilmu yang membolehkan ulama ini mengumpat, menggunjing dan menyiasat dengan tujuan kebaikan (bukanlah tujuan untuk tak pasal-pasal mengumpat) ini pula banyak. Di bawah ilm ahlu'l jarh wa ta'dil sahaja kita akan menemui penelitian tentang cacat atau lurusnya seseorang calon perawi itu (Ibnu Abi Hatim ar Razi dikatakan ahli dalam cabang ini); penelitian samada calon perawi itu jujur atau tidak (Syamsuddin az Dzhabi ahli dalam cabang ini); penelitian kata-katanya apakah ada kontradiksi atau tidak (Ibn hajar al-Asqalani adalah contoh ahli dalam disiplin ini); penelitian terhadap kata-kata mutiara buatan (ahli dalam bidang ini ialah Jalaluddin as Suyuthi); juga penelitian tarikh lahir dan tarikh mati perawi supaya dapat dipastikan mereka benar-benar pernah 'berguru' serta tidak putus link (ahli dalam bidang ini ialah Ibnu Khalikan); dan ramai lagi. Pendek kata mereka memang menyelongkar dan membongkar peribadi calon. Tetapi niat dan matlamat akhir itu baik yakni untuk menyelamatkan umat dari salah pilih.Selepas meneliti calon perawi itu; mereka akan mengecap, melabel, dan merumuskan apakah mereka itu thiqah (boleh dipercayai), zindiq (atheis), syarib al khumur (peminum arak), kadzib (pembohong) dan pelbagai lagi. Senarai mereka panjang.Satu contoh yang paling menarik ialah bagaimana para ulama bidang ini (ahlu'l jarh wa ta'dil) menghakimi dan mengumpat seorang 'perawi' bernama Saif bin Umar.

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