Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ali, Tong Seng & Ramasamy Menemui Kembali Erti Kemerdekaan di Permatang Pauh

Ali, Tong Seng & Ramasamy telah menemui kembali erti kemerdekaan di Permatang Pauh. Begitulah gambarannya sebagaimana diceritakan oleh sheikh-sheikh kami di sana. Mereka melihatnya begitu.
Mereka terkenang kembali akan cerita muhibbahnya Ali, Tong Seng dan Ramasamy... begitu juga Salmah, Ah Moi dan Kumari. Mereka cukup gumbira. Tapi apa yang tidak mengumbirakan mereka adalah Ali-Ali di bawah ini… semua maklum akan el-kisahnya. Mutalaah perutusan hari kemerdekaan mereka, pasti akan terjumpa sesuatu.

Menemukan Kembali Erti Kemerdekaan
31 Ogos ini genaplah 51 tahun berdirinya Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang merdeka dan berdaulat.
Semenjak dari tarikh keramat kemerdekaan, kita rakyat Malaysia telah lalui bersama saat-saat sukar dan detik kejayaan. Kita menaruh harapan untuk melihat Malaysia yang adil, makmur dan perkasa.
51 tahun lalu rakyat negara ini telah membuat pilihan untuk berdiri sendiri, bebas dari pemerintahan penjajah, bersetuju bahawa negara ini ialah negara hukum yang mengamalkan sistem raja berperlembagaan dan demokrasi berparlimen. Rakyat Malaysia membuktikan mereka berani untuk memilih dan membuat keputusan. Memilih yang terbaik buat Malaysia.
Namun genap 51 tahun merdeka kita sekali lagi berada di persimpangan. Kita melihat perlembagaan diperlekehkan, demokrasi diinjak dan institusi kenegaraan dijadikan alat penguasa.
Sudah tiba masanya kita rakyat Malaysia membuat pilihan untuk menemukan kembali erti kemerdekaan negara ini. Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab kita sekarang untuk memastikan demokrasi bernafas semula di negara ini, keluhuran perlembagaan kembali dijunjung dan kedaulatan undang-undang terbina kukuh.
Marilah kita perbaharui persetujuan yang kita buat bersama 51 tahun dahulu; memastikan negara Malaysia ini kekal bebas dan merdeka.

Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat
Ketua Pembangkang Dewan Rakyat
Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh

Perutusan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Sempena Hari Kebangsaan Ke-51

Perutusan Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad Sempena Hari Kebangsaan Ke-51

Perutusan Presiden PAS Dato' Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang Sempena Ulangtahun Kemerdekaan ke-51

"Sesungguhnya Allah memerintah supaya kamu menunaikan amanah kepada ahlinya dan apabila kamu menjalankan hukum di kalangan manusia hendaklah melaksanakan hukum itu dengan adil. Sesungguhnya Allah memberi pengajaran yang sebaik-baiknya kepada kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa mendengar lagi sentiasa melihat. Wahai orang-orang yamng beriman, taatlah kamu kepada Allah dan taatlah kamu kepada Rasul dan ulil amri (orang-orang yang mengendalikan urusan yang terdiri daripada pemimpin dan ulamak). Maka jika sekiranya kamu bertelingkah dalam apa-apa perkara, hendaklah kamu kembalikan penyelesaiannya kepada Allah (al Quran) dan Rasul (as Sunnah), jika kamu benar-benar beriman kepada Allah dan Hari Akhirat. Itulah sebaik-baik dan lebih elok penyelesaiannya." [4:An-Nisa’:58-59]

Selamat menyambut ulangtahun kemerdekaan negara yang ke-51, "Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan" dengan izin Allah SWT.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Kerajaan Baru 916: Insya-Allah, Anwar mampu melakukannya!

siku harakahdaily: Detik mula perubahan ke arah kerajaan baru 16 September
Sekarang ini Barisan Nasional menghadapi masalah paling besar. Hasrat Umno untuk kekal berkuasa dengan mengekslpoitasikan isu Melayu dan agama diketepikan rakyat.
Gerakan sepatutnya berfikir semula untuk meneruskan hasrat keluar BN.
MCA yang terbahagi kepada dua pendapat, semakin cenderung meninggalkan BN
Kedudukan Perdana Menteri, Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi terumbang ambing, Dato' Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak pula hampir pasti tidak berpeluang menjadi PM.
Parti Umno yang sedang menghadapi mesyuarat bahagian dan pemilihan Majlis Tertinggi sekarang semakin hampir terkubur.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad mungkin patut memikirkan secara serius untuk berhijrah keluar negara,
manakala Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar, Mohamed Ezam Md Nor dan para kroni mereka harus bersedia menelan segala muntah dan sumpah seranah yang dihamburkan kepada Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Ada seorang lagi pembelit besar yang tiba-tiba menyerang Anwar tanpa memikir risiko yang bakal menimpanya. Dato' S. Nallakaruppan. Adeii Nalla..yenge poringge..? (Mana lu mau pergi). Mana lu mau taruk lu punya muka sekarang!
Hari ini pemimpin-pemimpin utama Umno/ BN terpaksa berhadapan secara 'live' dengan Anwar dan rakan-rakan dalam Pakatan Rakyat.
Sejak dari PRU 8 Mac lepas, laluan mereka di Parlimen tidak lagi mudah. Mereka semakin sukar sekarang ini berhadapan dengan Anwar – PM yang dinanti-nantikan.
Mulai hari ini, usaha membentuk Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat semakin hampir. Itulah kehendak rakyat sebenarnya. Insya-Allah, Anwar mampu melakukannya! - mks.

Yahoo!.. Sworn Into Parliament, Anwar Launches Attack Against Badawi, Najib & Co.

afp/msn m’sia: Malaysia's Anwar returns to parliament
"I'm glad to be back after a decade," Anwar told a press conference, attacking Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who has faced calls to quit since March elections in which the opposition gained unprecedented ground.
"The prime minister has lost the mandate of the country and the nation," Anwar said, calling on Abdullah, his deputy Najib Razak and "all their cronies" to be removed from power.
Asked if he was on track to carry out his plan to secure enough government defectors to oust the ruling coalition by September 16, he said "Yes".

m/insider: Anwar’s back in Parliament
Dressed all in black, including his songkok, as is required for the swearing in of an MP, Anwar later told the press that "everyone wanted me to take an oath, so it's done", a double entendre alluding to earlier calls for him to swear on the Quran to counter sodomy allegations reiterated in a similar oath taken by his accuser Saiful Bukhari Azlan.
Saying that he was glad to be back after a decade of "being denied of my rights, although it's been good that Azizah has been holding the fort as MP for Permatang Pauh and opposition leader," referring to his wife and PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
"I feel I am vindicated after all these personal attacks just to deny me — at all cost, Anwar must not be allowed to return to Parliament. But the people of Permatang Pauh are wise enough to want to see me in Parliament. All their machination, the might of those in authority, the massive power and billions of dollars cannot alter the minds of Malaysians," he stated.
He also commented on fresh calls for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to resign, saying that it is up to Umno but "clearly the PM has lost the mandate and the Deputy Prime Minister who spearheaded the campaign has been rejected outright. It's not just them but the entire Umno and their cronies who have amassed billions from the people".
the star: Anwar challenges DNA Bill
After Datuk Tajuddin Abdul Rahman (BN - Pasir Salak) interjected to ask Dr Siti Mariah whether the Bar Council "was a credible body" in the first place to cast doubts on the Bill, Anwar stood up.
"Don't Yang Berhormat agree with me that the one with no credibility is the corruption-ridden Government?
"This is the Government which tabled a Bill last Monday, giving no opportunity to MPs, including those of friends from the other side, to study it, and presented it with malicious intention.
"This is a Bill which has seen opposition from both the Bar Council and non-governmental groups," he said, adding that the Opposition would support any Bill that would benefit the people.
"But we are against the method employed by the Government to push this Bill through without taking heed of the public's voice," he said.

malaysiakini: DNA bill: PKR supremo leads walkout in protest
Pakatan Rakyat MPs staged an angry walkout over the controversial DNA Identification Bill this evening after the government refused to set up a parliamentary committee to study the ‘flaws’ in the new legislation.

Tomorrow…the former finance minister will be in parliament for Friday's reading of the 2009 national budget.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

PM-In-Waiting To Be Sworn Into Parliament Tomorrow

Special Report: Anwar's Return
Malaysia's Anwar to be sworn in Thursday
Agence France-Presse - 8/27/2008 3:04 AM GMT
Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim will be sworn in as a member of parliament on Thursday, his party said, after a landslide by-election victory that ended his decade-long political exile.
Anwar, who was sacked as deputy premier in 1998 and jailed on sodomy and corruption charges, returns to parliament as the head of the Pakatan Rakyat opposition alliance which controls a third of the lower house.
"The parliament speaker has said Anwar will be sworn in as an MP on Thursday," said Tian Chua, information chief of the Keadilan party which leads the three-member alliance.
"We will all be there to welcome Anwar as the leader of the opposition and the parliament will be very different with his voice," he told AFP Wednesday. "It is a real morale boost for the Pakatan Rakyat in parliament."
Anwar on Tuesday won the by-election in his old constituency of Permatang Pauh with a thumping majority, despite claims of a "dirty tricks" campaign mounted by the ruling coalition to sideline him.
The 61-year-old opposition leader spent six years in jail before the sodomy conviction was overturned in 2004. But he now faces new sodomy charges levelled by a former aide which he says have been concocted by the government.
Anwar has said that the Pakatan Rakyat will be able to form the next Malaysian government by mid-September. He needs to secure the support of 30 government defectors in order to topple the coalition.

Hurrah!.. el-Permatang Pauhi Menghantar Anwar Balik Ke Parlimen Untuk Meneruskan Perjalanan Menakluki Putrajaya

SAH, tanpa ragu-ragu… Anwar menang besar: Majoriti 15,671 – Hurrah!.. Kita Menang! We Won!

Ternyata el-Permatang Pauhi telah menyahut seruan Merdeka Anwar sempena bulan Merdeka ini mendakap semangat merdeka yang sebenar di dada masing-masing untuk Merdeka dari kesengsaraan hidup aqibat KKN yang menghambat pembangunan negara dengan mengundi beliau sebagai wakil mereka di Parlimen.

Dengan menghantar beliau balik ke Parlimen, langkah demokratik terakhir di kalangan rakyat telah termakbul – syukur al-hamdulillah . Kini, langkah seterusnya adalah tindakan parlimen Anwar memenangi hati dan fikiran Ahli-ahli Parlimen BN untuk menyeberang ke kem beliau, Pakatan Rakyat, bagi menggapai matlamat menakluki Putrajaya pada 16 September mendatang – insya’Allah.

Rakyat melalui el-Permatang Pauhi telah membuka jalan buat Anwar ke Parlimen, maka kini adalah menjadi tanggungjawab Ahli-ahli Parlimen pula untuk membuka gate buat beliau ke Putrajaya.

Adalah amat bijaksana bagi Ahli-ahli Parlimen BN memberi laluan mudah buat Anwar ke Putrajaya dengan menyahut seruan beliau menyeberang ke kem Pakatan Rakyat sebagaimana rakyat melalui el-Permatang Pauhi menyahut seruan beliau menghantar beliau balik ke Parlimen buat meneruskan perjalanan menakluki Putrajaya.

Setelah rakyat melalui el-Permatang Pauhi menitip Anwar di Parlimen maka janganlah pula Ahli-ahli Parlimen melengah, apatah lagi menyekat perjalanan beliau ke Putrajaya, nanti ditakuti… rakyat mendahului dengan tindakan yang tidak berparlimen dan tidak demokratik – na’uzubillah min zalik.

malaysiakini’s report: Now we have reason to celebrate Merdeka

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Exit polls show Anwar won 61 percent of vote

Malaysia's Anwar won 61 percent of vote: party exit polls
Agence France-Presse - 8/26/2008 7:55 AM GMT
Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's party said Tuesday its exit polls indicate he has won 61 percent of the votes in a by-election expected to return him to parliament.
"From our exit poll figures and what we are tracking, Anwar is safely leading in the polls and... I think that it is right to say about 61 percent," said Sivarasa Rasiah, vice president of the Keadilan party.
Sivarasa said that Anwar's opponent from the Barisan Nasional coalition, Arif Shah Omar Shah, had garnered about 39 percent of the vote.
"We are still not declaring victory as we will wait for the official election results from the Election Commission," he told AFP.
Polling booths opened at 8:00 am (0000 GMT) and are due to close at 5:00 pm. Official results are expected to be released by 10:00 pm.
Anwar has been widely tipped to win the vote in Permatang Pauh, an electorate in his home state of Penang which he held until he was sacked as deputy prime minister in 1998 and jailed on sodomy and corruption charges.
But political pundits said they will focus on the size of the winning margin, compared to that attained by Anwar's wife Wan Azizah Wan Ismail who held the seat during his political exile.
"We are expecting Anwar's win to be the same as big as when Wan Azizah contested but we think that it will be less in terms of absolute numbers due to it being a working day for many," Sivarasa said.
Wan Azizah won about 64 percent of votes cast in March general elections. The groundswell of support allowed the opposition to take control of five states and a third of parliamentary seats.
Turnout in March was 81 percent, but Keadilan information chief Tian Chua said only 60 percent of eligible voters had cast their ballot by mid-afternoon Tuesday, and that numbers from ethnic minorities were low.
"Chinese and Indian voters are not coming out as much as we had expected. This could be due to intimidation," he told AFP. "We are trying to round them up to come out and vote."
The opposition has accused the government of stoking tensions between Muslim Malays and the nation's ethnic minorities to try to undermine Anwar, by painting him as a "Chinese agent" who has sold out Malay interests.

"Of course, Anwar Ibrahim."

An AFP reporter at the Penanti polling station where Anwar cast his ballot said that voting got under way peacefully, with good weather expected to increase turnout in a boost for the opposition leader.
Hundreds of his supporters shouted the opposition battle cry of "Reformasi" (reform) as Anwar walked out of the polling station here.
A group of three women in traditional Malay outfits and Muslim headscarves walked out of the voting centre smiling. Asked who they voted for, they said: "Of course, Anwar Ibrahim."
"Our grandparents, parents are all friends of Anwar's parents and grandparents, so we know all these allegations against him are untrue," said 42-year-old housewife Siti Ismail.

AFP’s full report via MSN Malaysia: Malaysia's Anwar tips victory in a critical by-election set to return him to parliament

Malaysians vote in Anwar by-election to return him to parliament

klik gambaq: Anwar Watch - Special Report by MSN Malaysia
Agence France-Presse - 8/26/2008 12:33 AM GMT
Voting opened Tuesday in a by-election that is expected to return Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim to parliament after a decade-long absence.
Anwar, a former deputy premier who was sacked in 1998 and jailed on sodomy and corruption charges, held the seat of Permatang Pauh in his home state of Penang from 1982-1999.
Anwar's wife Wan Azizah Wan Ismail held the seat during his political exile, and stepped aside to trigger the by-election.
An AFP reporter at the Penanti polling station where Anwar was due to cast his ballot said that voting got under way peacefully, with good weather expected to increase turnout in a boost for the opposition leader.
Security was tight with 200 police on duty at the Penanti station alone, among a force of some 4,500 police who have been deployed amid allegations of misdeeds and attacks on supporters by both sides.
The 61-year-old has accused the government of mounting a dirty-tricks campaign to undermine him, including vote-buying and stoking racial tensions, but has said he is nevertheless confident of victory.
Anwar faces new sodomy allegations levelled by a 23-year-old male aide, which he says have been concocted by the government to thwart his ambitions of seizing power with the help of defecting government lawmakers.
Polling booths opened at 8:00 am (0000 GMT) and are due to close at at 5:00pm. Results are expected to be released by 10:00 pm.
There are a total of 58,459 eligible voters in Permatang Pauh.
Pollsters have said they expect Anwar to win, but that the government's negative campaign may impact on his winning margin, which will be seen as an indicator of his ability to shrug off the sodomy allegations.
However, Anwar has drawn huge crowds during the intense 10-day campaign, including a rally that drew tens of thousands on Monday night.
Roslie Ismail, a 37-year-old factory worker who attended the rally and then came to Penanti to cast his vote, rejected the ruling coalition led by the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO).
"I will vote for Anwar, he represents the voice of the people. God willing, he will win," he told AFP.
"I have no more faith in UMNO because there's corruption and abuse of power."

Saturday, August 23, 2008

pekena mee goreng kote mamak di gurney drive

pi penang last weekend, singgah p44 ; nekad cari pelam, malamnya ke gurney drive – keponakan nyonya tanya el-montokya bawak pi makan sana, katanya sedap. sebelumnya she shows me tis - telioq aku! - dia ajaq cara order: mamak!.. mee goreng satu, goreng basah-basah, cabai siiiiiiikit sudah. siiiiiiikit tau. tak mau ubi, tak mau tawkuaw, taruh kote mamak cukup!, kata lilian.
ummppphhhh! no doubt – emangg sedap!
tengah sedap-sedap jamah sama tanya, kroni lama mai…tegoq kat dia, kacau daun hang ni! disclose kat dia, fajar menyinsing kami bertolak bayan lepas.
sekutu dia tanya, tak menyeberang ka? aku jawab, uhh! dah menyeberang dah! dah lama dah!
dia sambung tanya, lama tak pi kepala batais? spontan aku jawab, uhh! meluat dah! asyik juboq, boleh belah lah!, sampuk tanya.
mungkin tersinggung, dia pun belah sama sekutunya – kempunan kote mamak depa!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

We want change. The future is Anwar. Long live Anwar!

Agence France-Presse - 8/16/2008 6:40 AM GMT
A huge crowd cheered Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim Saturday as he registered for a by-election to return him to parliament, the next step in his plan to become prime minister.
The August 26 ballot in Anwar's home state of Penang is also seen as a test of his popularity after a young male aide accused him of sodomy -- the same charge that saw him jailed a decade ago.
"I am touched by the support. This is an overwhelming support," Anwar said as he arrived at the nomination centre in the Permatang Pauh constituency, which was locked down by barricades and an armed security presence.
Some 30,000 supporters shouted Anwar's battle cry of "Reformasi" or "Reform", and waved party flags, facing off against 5,000 government supporters and trading taunts and insults.
At least 3,000 police including the riot squad were deployed to keep the peace and a police helicopter hovered overhead.
"We want change. The future is Anwar. Long live Anwar!" chanted supporters of the opposition leader, a former deputy premier who was sacked in 1998 and convicted on a sodomy charge that was later overturned.
Anwar, 61, has said the sodomy allegations have been fabricated to prevent him from ousting the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition, after March elections that handed the opposition alliance a third of parliamentary seats.
He was formally charged earlier this month, just after his wife vacated the Permatang Pauh constituency -- which she has held since he went to jail -- to allow him to return to parliament after a decade-long absence.
The coalition has fielded a little-known candidate for the by-election and is gloomy about its chances.
"Barisan Nasional is contesting as an underdog. We will continue to work hard. This will be an uphill task. But it is not impossible," said Deputy Premier Najib Razak who attended the nomination day.
The government candidate, Arif Shah Omah, speaks Mandarin and the local Hokkien dialect which is a plus in the multi-racial seat, but is nevertheless unlikely to win the seat which Anwar held from 1982-1999.
In a racial breakdown that broadly mirrors the national population, more than two-thirds of voters in Permatang Pauh are Muslim Malays, alongside Chinese who make up 26 percent and Indians at six percent.
Anwar has said he is still pursuing his plan to wrest power within months, with the help of government defectors, despite the looming sodomy trial.
On Friday, Anwar's accuser Mohamad Saiful Bukhari Azlan, a 23-year-old former volunteer in the opposition leader's office, visited a mosque to swear he was telling the truth and challenged Anwar to do the same.
He also said he was sodomised against his will, although when Anwar was formally accused in court the charge indicated the alleged sex act was consensual.
Anwar said at a rally Friday night that Saiful's action was part of the government plot.
"They are afraid of me being an MP and going on to become the opposition leader in parliament," he said.
Sodomy is a serious offence in Malaysia, a conservative and predominantly Muslim nation, and carries a penalty of 20 years' imprisonment.
Sarimah Ali, a 33-year-old teacher who was among the huge crowd of Anwar supporters, said the renewed allegations were of no concern.
"Nobody believes Saiful. His swearing in the mosque yesterday makes it more clear that it's a government conspiracy to bring down Anwar," she said.

Sumpah Sesumpah: Tunggu dan lihat, siapa yang kena makan sumpah!

Saiful Sesumpah telah pun bersumpah seperti mana yang ia telah janjikan sebelum ini… Walaupun ada sesetengah ulamak yang berpendapat ianya menyerupai amalan golongan Kristian dan tidak mengikut adab Hukum Syarak akan tetapi Sumpah Sesumpah sudah pun berlaku... maka insyAllah dalam masa 40 hari sesudah ini akan berlaku pula suatu hal yang cukup besar(negatif atau positif) baik terhadap Saiful atau pun DSAI.

mari kita lihat balasan Allah kepada para konspirator 1998
telah terbukti doa orang teraniaya adalah amat makbul dan tanpa hijab waima doa orang kafir sekali pun tetap akan dimakbulkan. rasanya mungkin ada yang masih belum tahu lagi nasib yang menimpa kepada perancang konspirasi 1998 lepas.

Lihat senarai mereka yang telah diadili.

Ummi Hafilda Ali------> salah seorang dalang utama dalam konspirasi Anwar, telah digugurkan menjadi anak kepada bapanya sebelum beliau meninggal. Azmin Ali yang sebapa dengan Ummi mengesahkan perkara tersebut. Apakah nasib yang menanti seorang anak yang telah diakui anak oleh bapanya sendiri dan bapanya meninggal sebelum sempat memaafkannya?

Azizan Abu Bakar------> rakan konspirasi Ummi, telah terlibat dalam kemalangan kereta, menyebabkan kematian isterinya. Dia kemudian ditangkap kerana khalwat dan dihukum enam bulan penjara.

Aziz Shamsuddin------> ketua dalang dalam konspirasi terhadap Anwar, juga terlibat dalam kemalangan jalanraya dan isterinya juga meninggal dunia. Apabila mereka mengambil jenazahnya daripada hospital, didapati sekeping cek bernilai RM3 juta padanya, iaitu pemberian rasuah bagi meluluskan kontrak kepada sebuah syarikat Cina. Semua orang akan mati satu hari nanti, tetapi mati dalam keadaan menerima wang rasuah ialah cara mati yang keji.

Dan semua orang tahu apa yang terjadi kepada Peguam Negara pada masa itu, yang bertanggunjawab menyediakan perbicaraan Anwar. Dia berada dalam koma selama setahun, setelah jatuh dan terhentak kepalanya, semasa mengalami angin ahmar. LAGI

Semua tragedi di atas merupakan pembalasan dari Allah (swt) di dunya – walaubagaimanpun, ianya tidak melibatkan sumpah mubahalah sebagaiamana dilakukan oleh si Saiful Sesumpah. Pastinya pengadilan Allah keatas Sumpah Sesumpah lebih cepat dan dahsyat dari yang semua tadi. Tunggu and lihat, petaka apakah yang akan turun dan menimpa keatas yang bersalah: Tunggu dan lihat, siapa yang kena makan sumpah!

deputy of god: the merit of global caliphate state lies in making perfection manifestation possible.

why do we wonder at the achievements of global caliphate state! this marvelous civilization of the world has been erected on its foundations. think of the mighty power of god; he has created the entire world out of nothing, and revealed the perfections of being through their opposites. the merit of global caliphate state lies in making a new political unity possible. the ideal forms of divine names reside in the abode of global caliphate state, sit in its arms and lie on its bed. he is blind who does not realize that there is an open road from appearance to reality and from shadows to the original essence. “this is a reminder: if you like you may take the path to your lord.” [76:29]
god bestows upon the lover of faith quite different honours. he raises him to the stage of muhaddath, shahid and hawari; that is, he reveals in his heart the truths of religion, makes him its witness, and raises him as its preacher and defender. he bestows on him real conviction, and elevates him to the position of his own deputy – khalifat allah – as he did with david (as), helps him to establish his shariah, defeat his enemies and overcome his opposition. he is blind who does not realize that there is an open road from appearance to reality and from shadows to the original essence. “this is a reminder: if you like you may take the path to your lord.” [76:29]

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hoorah!.. “Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!”

gambaq hiasan: laungan merdeka tunku abdul rahman – bapa kemerdekaan malaya
P44 Permatang Pauh: Anwar umum slogan “Merdeka”
Khamis, 14 Ogos 2008 •
PERMATANG PAUH, 14 OGOS (SK)- Jentera KeADILan lebih bersemangat apabila calon KeADILan, Anwar Ibrahim mengumumkan slogan “Merdeka” bagi pemangkin kemenangan pilihan raya kecil P44 Permatang Pauh.
Ketika mengumumkan didalam satu taklimat jentera parti yang diadakan di Bilik Gerakan Pusat di Yayasan Aman Permatang Pauh malam tadi, slogan berkenaan merangkumi pelbagai aspek.
“Ini medan untuk kita merdeka, malam ini saya nak (mahu) isytiharkan moto kita merdeka. Bulan ini bulan ogos, kita merdeka, kita tuntut kemerdekaan. Itu motto kita.
kita hendak merdeka dari kezaliman,
kita hendak merdeka dari rasuah,
kita nak merdeka dari penindasan,
kita nak merdekakan rakyat supaya keadilan tertegak,” katanya.
Mesyuarat yang turut dihadiri oleh Ahli-ahli Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi (MPT), Ahli-ahli Parlimen KeADILan, Ketua-ketua Perhubungan Negeri dan beberapa Ketua Bahagian dari serata Malaysia, Anwar mengulangi bahawa pilihan raya ini akan dijadikan medan untuk Barisan Nasional melemparkan fitnah kepada beliau.
Menurut Anwar, beliau akan dituduh menjadi alat kepada kaum Cina, namun Anwar menegaskan beliau rela menjadi alat kepada seluruh masyarakat Malaysia.

komentar: Wow!.. Brader Anwar, kami cukup gembira membaca berita ini. Tepat sekali sasarannya slogan itu – terus menusuk ke dalam lubuk hati, kami kira, semua rakyat Malaysia: Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan, Iban dsbnya. Kalo dulu Tunku Abdul Rahmaan digelar Bapa Kemerdekaan Malaya dek keramatnya slogan Merdeka ini, maka kini dengan slogan Merdeka itu juga, saudara layak pula digelar sebagai Bapa Kemerdekaan Malaysia. Tidak pernah ada sesiapa pun pimpinan selepas Tunku, seingatan kami, mempopularkan slogan ini, melainkan pada bulan perayaan kemerdekaan Augustus sahaja. Saudaralah yang pertama, maka saudara cukup layak mendapat gelar Bapa Kemerdekaan Masyarakat Malaysia pada Hari Malaysia 16 September mendatang yang mana, kami difahamkan, adalah sasaran saudara dalam Pelan Hari Malaysia saudara menakluki Putrajaya. Tahniah! Kami menanti saudara dan tim saudara di Putrajaya.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Shahrizat mamai!.. isytihar jihad terhadap Anwar

klik pada gambaq: Shahrizat nak balas dendam kalah di Lembah Pantai hari tu!
BN terdesak hingga isytihar jihad
Bashir Ishak, harakahdaily Tue Aug 12, 08 3:42:00 pm MYT
KANGAR, 12 Ogos (Hrkh) - Umno-BN semakin terdesak dan mengelirukan untuk menghadapi pilihan raya kecil parlimen Permatang Pauh sehinggakan sanggup mengisytiharkannya sebagai satu jihad.
Sebuah akhbar berbahasa Inggeris hari ini melaporkan Timbalan Ketua Pegerakan Wanita Umno, Dato' Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil mengisyhtiharkan demikian di Pulau Pinang dengan alasan untuk menghalang seorang individu bercita-cita tinggi mencapai impiannya dan kejayaan peribadi.
Kata Shahrizat lagi, pilihan raya kecil tersebut bukan sahaja penting untuk Barisan Nasional tapi juga untuk seluruh negara dan rakyatnya.
Begitu juga katanya, pilihan raya ini adalah satu jihad bagi menyekat individu yang boleh menggugat kestabilan politik negara dan membawa negara ke arah kehancuran.
Mengulas kenyataan tersebut, Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Perlis, Ustaz Ya'akub Abu Seman menyifatkannya sebagai satu kenyataan yang pelik dikeluarkan oleh golongan yang terdesak.
"Layakkah mereka bercakap tentang jihad? Wanita Umno perlu berusaha berjihad melawan hawa nafsu mereka dulu dengan menuruti perintah Allah. Tak payah bercakap bab jihad kalau masih ramai ahli wanita Umno yang belum menutup aurat. Ajak mereka tutup aurat dulu barulah cakap tentang jihad," katanya.
Menurutnya lagi, amat menggelikan hati apabila mendengar Umno bercakap tentang jihad sedangkan dasar perjuangan mereka adalah menyimpang dari apa yang dikehendaki agama.
"Mereka bukannya mahu kepada Islam, dasar mereka adalah kebangsaan dan assobiyyah. Bagaimana Shahrizat boleh katakan ini satu jihad? "Lihat balik segala kebobrokan yang berlaku di negara ini, penyelewengan, pecah amanah, membazirkan harta negara, bukankah semua ini hasil tangan-tangan Umno-BN yang selama ini memerintah negara?," soalnya.
Justeru beliau, menyeru agar para pengundi di Permatang Pauh agar tidak terkeliru dengan kenyataan-kenyataan sebegini yang jelas menunjukkan Umno/BN semakin terdesak bagi menghadapi pilihanraya kecil tersebut. - mks._

Sex-juboq taktik kotoq UMNO, PAS mahu kes Anwar dibawa ke Mahkamah Syariah

klik pada gambaq: The real dalang behind the Anwar sodomy allegation
Kes umat Islam, hanya Mahkamah Syariah beri keadilan - Presiden
Mohd Zamirul Mohd Dzaki, Harakahdaily
Mon Aug 11, 08 12:53:58 pm MYT

KUALA LUMPUR, 11 Ogos (Hrkh) - Presiden PAS, Tuan Guru Dato' Seri Abdul Hadi Awang berkata, PAS mahukan isu liwat yang dikait dengan Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim dibawa ke mahkamah syariah dan bukannya dibicarakan di mahkamah sivil.
Beliau berkata, kes liwat yang membabitkan orang Islam adalah perkara jenayah di dalam perundangan Islam sama seperti kes zina dan lain-lain maka ianya perlu dibawa ke mahkamah syariah.
"Negeri yang ditadbir oleh Pakatan Rakyat seperti Selangor perlu menggubal perundangan tersebut kerana melalui mahkamah syariah sahaja keadilan dapat diperolehi," katanya ketika sidang akhbar selepas merasmikan Konvensyen PAS Pulau Pinang di Dewan SEAMO, RECSAM semalam.
PAS juga, tambah Dato' Seri Abdul Hadi, menolak sebarang bentuk campur tangan kuasa luar dalam penyelesiaan pertuduhan kes liwat terhadap Anwar.
"Kalau Amerika nak campur tangan, biar mereka selesaikan di Gautonama dulu" katanya.
Menurutnya lagi, pertuduhan liwat yang dikenakan terhadap Dato' Seri Anwar adalah satu kezaliman.
Ini kerana, ianya dilihat sebagai taktik (kotoq –ed.) Umno untuk memusnahkan masa depan politik mantan Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu.
"Kita perlu bersimpati kepada mereka yang dizalimi walaupun kepada mereka yang bukan dari ahli parti kita," katanya.
Tambahnya lagi, menurut Islam seseorang itu tidak bersalah selagi dia belum didapati atau berjaya dibuktikan bersalah.
Turut hadir dalam majlis tersebut adalah Timbalan Pesuruhjaya PAS Negeri, Dr Mujahid Yusuf Rawa; Pesuruhjaya PAS Pulau Pinang, Ustaz Salleh Man; Penyelaras Pilihan raya PAS Pusat di Permatang Pauh, Wan Rahim Wan Abdullah dan beberapa pemimpin PAS lain. - mks. _

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ummah Solidarity: Hur! Hur! Hoorah!!

Rival groups unified in protest [vid]
By Andrew Ong, malaysiakini Aug 9, 08 4:10pm
In a rare display of solidarity, rival Muslim groups today put aside their political differences and joined forces in protest of a controversial forum on the Federal Constitution.
Although they appeared to have a uniform objective, the crowd appeared to have split into two entities - Umno-linked and opposition-linked - as the protest drew on.
> Same objective, different methods
> Relatively incident-free

Protest stops Bar Council conversions forum
Several hundred protesters demonstrated outside the Bar Council forum on conversions to Islam Saturday morning, with some forcing their way into the hall as police called on the organizers to wrap up proceedings by 10am.
Witnesses said several protesters entered the building escorted by police, stood in the middle of the hall and stared at the several hundred participants attending the "Conversion to Islam: Article 121(1A) of the Federal Constitution, Subashini & Shamala Revisited" forum. The protesters had gathered since 8am and brought out banners criticizing and condemning the forum which has received objections from both government and opposition leaders.
At 9.25am, Bar Council president Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan interrupted the forum to say the police have advised them to wrap it up by 10am as protest still going on outside the building. The forum began at 8.45am.
At about 10.15am, the protesters were seen trying to barge into the building to end the forum but Unit Amal members, who were squeezed between the riot police and the protesters, managed to stop them.
Ambiga closed the forum 3 minutes before 10am deadline.

Harsher actions if Bar Council holds more forums on religion, warn Muslim protesters
By Adib Zalkapli, m/insider
pix: Police face off the protestors outside the Bar Council building. — Pictures by Choo Choy May
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 9 — Muslim protesters threatened to take harsher actions against the Bar Council if it holds similar forums on religion. The group of about 300 protesters managed to shut down the controversial council forum on conversions to Islam today.
Parti Keadilan Rakyat's Zulkifli Noordin, who took the lead this morning to address the protesters, said: "If they do it again we will take stern action."
The first-term Kulim Bandar Baharu MP, who is also a lawyer, declared their protest a success after the forum was declared closed a little before 10am after the police advised the organisers to end it due to the noisy protest outside and in the hall. The forum was supposed to end at 1pm.
The protesters shouted
"Allahu Akbar" (God is Great),
"Hancur Bar Council" (Destroy Bar Council),
Hidup Islam" (Long Live Islam) and
"Death to the Jews".
Before the forum ended, Zulkifli told the protesters that the forum organiser was trying to challenge the position of Islam.
"I have negotiated with the Dang Wangi police to stop the forum at 9.30am or else we will act," he said. – MORE

Friday, August 8, 2008

Yes! Anwar’s case is a conspiracy.

NST reports Anwar cries conspiracy… PM: No, it isn’t. We say, Yes! Anwar’s case is a conspiracy. We echo this (excerption of AFP’s article)…

The timing of the allegations, after Anwar announced he would oust the government with the help of defectors in the wake of elections that handed the opposition a third of parliamentary seats, has raised fears of a conspiracy.
"The Malaysian government appears to be manipulating the legal system to shore up support for its continued rule and undermine the opposition," Human Rights Watch's Asia director Brad Adams said in a statement. "This case is really about preventing challenges to the government's rule," he said of the coalition, which has ruled since independence from Britain half a century ago.
Amnesty International also expressed grave concern over the charges and said they appeared to be an attempt to prevent the 60-year-old opposition leader from re-entering parliament.
Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on Wednesday denied Anwar's claims that the government had engineered the allegations. "There's no conspiracy," he said, according to the New Straits Times daily. "How could I insist that he be charged? The police are not so stupid to simply charge if there is no evidence."
Anwar's allies in the opposition alliance urged the government to drop the prosecution, which they said would harm Malaysia's standing abroad. "It is totally against Malaysia's interests and international reputation -- the country is in the dock, it is not just Anwar on trial," said Lim Kit Siang of the Democratic Action Party. However, he welcomed the bail decision. "His being released on a personal bond I think shows that the case is not irredeemable. The people's hope that there is some independence in the judiciary is not totally gone," he said.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Loqluck govt... They are charging PM-in-waiting tomorrow for sex-juboq

PM-in-waiting Anwar Ibrahim said Wednesday he had been informed he would be formally charged with sodomy on Thursday -- a crime punishable by up to 20 years imprisonment. "They are charging me tomorrow. It's for sodomy," Anwar told reporters, adding that the authorities had informed him of the move in a letter.
Meanwhile Deputy Inspector-General of Police Ismail Omar said today the move to charge Anwar was made following a decision by the Attorney-General's office. He said a written notice had been issued to Anwar to be present at the Kuala Lumpur Session's Court, Jalan Duta, at 10am tomorrow.
The move by the police is the culmination of a month-long investigation into a sodomy complaint by Anwar's former aide that grabbed headlines. Coincidentally, the serving of the notice comes on the day the Election Commission (EC) fixed Aug 16 as nomination day for the Permatang Pauh parliamentary by-election in Penang and Aug 26 for polling if there is a contest.
Anwar announced last week he would contest a by-election for a seat vacated by his wife.
In a press conference at the PKR headquarters after he had received the police notice, Anwar said he was being prosecuted for "a crime that I did not commit". He also slammed the timing of the decision, saying it was a conspiracy to bring him down.

the star’s report: It's a conspiracy: Anwar

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Anwar is on track, ticket to Putrajaya

text: worldfutures, pix: m/insider
IPOH: PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is the people's ticket to a new Federal Government, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said.
Lim, who is also Penang Chief Minister, said Anwar's return to Parliament after he wins the Permatang Pauh by-election would pave way to programmes for an improved new Government. "We hope Anwar can win and win big so that he can bring to Parliament the hopes of the Pakatan Rakyat and all Malaysians for a fairer, more democratic and transparent Government.
"We are confident that with the cooperation among the partners of Pakatan Rakyat, there will be new politics," he said when opening the Ipoh Timur and Ipoh Barat DAP Parliamentary Liaison Committee annual general meetings here on Sunday night.
Lim said Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi would not succeed as an efficient prime minister as he was still not ready to create policies that benefited everyone. "But it doesn't matter because we have a prime minister-in-waiting," he said.

Related Stories:

Ezam the Chameleon - Special Branch’s biggest success story

Ezam - the lizard that changes color - suffered a syndrome called Alcibiades, according to Khalid Jaafar a Parti Keadilan Rakyat supreme council member and a close confidante of Anwar. In his blog's post al-Telawi exposed Ezam’s personality and why he failed the test as Reformasi hero. Let me share a little bit (excerpted from his blog) here…

Ezam, I suppose, must be the Special Branch’s biggest success story in turning over. If he wasn’t turned over how he could have written a letter to Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi while serving his prison term in Kajang. He was the most celebrated of the ISA detainees but upon his release he refused to be present with them at a press conference. He also avoided being on the same platform at any rally.
When Anwar was released and regained his health, leaders fought tooth and nail to have him speak at their constituency. But Ezam evaded offers by Anwar to speak in Shah Alam, his division, and asked Shamsul Iskandar to sit in for him as Anwar toured of the country.
Why Ezam failed the test while the rest continue to walk tall as Reformasi heroes? I think he suffered from a disease I call Alcibiades syndrome. Alcibiades was the most controversial Athenian politician during the Peloponnesian War and one of the disciples of Socrates. He was immortalized in Plato’s dialogue called “The Symposium”. Instead of trying to understand Socrates’ philosophy he was enthralled with the personality of the philosopher.
His speech in the symposium was all encomia to his teacher. In his politics he betrayed Athens by joining the city’s mortal enemy, Sparta, then rejoined Athens to fight against Sparta and later betrayed Athens to join the Persians.
I saw Ezam giving a similar speech in Jakarta, when we were in a short exile, at the launching of the Indonesian version of Anwar’s Asian Renaissance. He didn’t say a sentence on the book, or about Tagore, or Iqbal, or Rizal and Okakura. He was saying “Anwar this, Anwar that” and I at the time was praying that lightning and thunder would strike so that he could end his dumb speech.
I saw him in Ipoh where I heard him say: “I joined Umno because of Anwar Ibrahim, and left Umno because of Anwar Ibrahim.” Of which he received a standing ovation among the youth delegates.
I saw his character in the Romance of Three Kingdoms, in the personality of Lu Bu whose politics is marked with a series of betrayals. But both Lu Bu and Alcibiades ended in ignominious

Question: Who’s Next?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Malaysian troops in Mindanao to stay; Our services are needed, says Foreign Minister

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Iran suggests Asia parliament formation

pix: Iran's FM Mottaki speaks to reporters.
Iran suggests Asia parliament formation
Sun, 03 Aug 2008 09:47:04
Iran's foreign minister has proposed the foundation of an Asian parliament to play a more active role in the international community.
"The Asian unions including the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) , the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) should strengthen convergence within the framework of an Asian parliament with the aim of playing a greater international role," Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki told reporters in Sri Lanka Saturday.
Mottaki is in the Sri Lankan capital Colombo to attend the 15th SAARC summit. Iran has observer status in the organization.
Mottaki expressed hope that practical measures would be taken in the near future aimed at bolstering political and economic cooperation between Tehran and SAARC member countries.
He said that the expansion of Tehran-Colombo relations would prepare the appropriate groundwork for participation of Iranian companies in various projects in Sri Lanka.
SAARC was established in 1985 to provide a platform for the peoples of South Asia to work together in a spirit of friendship, trust and understanding. It aims to accelerate the process of economic and social development in member states.
Senior officials from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives Islands, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are attending the two-day SAARC summit. China, Iran, Japan, Mauritius, South Korea and the US are taking part as observers.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Malaysia unveils new plan to fix fuel prices: Petrol price floats from Sept 1 to reflect world crude price

Malaysia unveils new plan to fix fuel prices
Agence France-Presse - 8/1/2008 12:11 PM GMT
Malaysia will next month introduce a new system linking domestic fuel prices to the global market, but will cap prices at their current levels, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said Friday.
Crude oil costs have fallen around 23 dollars since Malaysia introduced a 41-percent fuel price hike in June to ease the burden of spiralling energy subsidies, sparking angry street protests.
"The government would like to announce that effective September 1, 2008 the retail fuel price will be adjusted according to the monthly average, and the subsidy of 0.30 ringgit (per litre) will be maintained," Abdullah said in a statement Friday.
"The retail price of fuel will be fixed on the first day of every month."
An aide to the prime minister said that if global crude oil prices continued to ease, "then pump prices could be adjusted lower in September."
"The pump price of fuel at the beginning of each month, from September onwards, will reflect the average crude oil prices for the month before," he told AFP on condition of anonymity.
Oil was trading at around 123 dollars on Friday after being pushed lower on fears of easing energy demand. But prices are still much higher than in recent history, having traded at under 10 dollars in the late 1990s.
In June the government fixed pump prices at 2.70 ringgit per litre (0.83 dollars) based on crude oil prices of 125 dollars per barrel, and Abdullah said there would be no further hikes in 2008.
The government increased petrol prices to ease the burden of spiralling energy subsidies, but crude oil costs have fallen by about 23 dollars from record highs above 147 dollars per barrel, which hit earlier in July.
Malaysia's annual inflation rate soared to a 26-year high of nearly eight percent in June due to the rise in fuel costs, echoing a surge in inflation across Asia that has stoked fears of slower regional economic growth.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Sex-juboq: ‘Under the law, Anwar is innocent until proven guilty.’ – Syed Hamid

PUTRAJAYA: Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar yesterday confirmed that police have completed their investigation into the sodomy allegation against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
"The (investigation) papers have been submitted to the Attorney-General's Chambers for further action but I do not know the contents.
"No doubt I am the minister in charge. But I am not in the habit of finding out (the contents) because that is not my job," he said when asked about the probe after meeting Immigration officers here.
It is understood that the IPs had been sent to solicitor-general Datuk Idrus Harun.
Syed Hamid refused to comment on rumours that the Parti Keadilan Rakyat de facto leader would be arrested following completion of investigations.
"Let the due processes take place. Under the law, Anwar is innocent until proven guilty.
"There should be no talk about charges or him being arrested.
"The police have completed their investigations and the papers have been submitted.
"It is up to the A-G's Chambers to decide whether to press charges against him or not."
Syed Hamid said newspapers were "conducting a trial for the public to make a decision on the case".
"I think when you have a mob court, it will be very difficult to uphold justice.
"Anwar is a free person and there have been no charges brought against him yet."

Anwar’s prayer of need:'by Sept 16, we will be in Putrajaya.'

Anwar’s prayer of need
By Adib Zalkapli, m/insider
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 1 — Five hours after Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail announced her resignation as Permatang Pauh MP to make way for her husband Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to contest in a by-election, a solat hajat (prayer of need) was performed at their house in Bukit Segambut here last night.
They were praying to seek God's assistance to ensure Anwar's smooth return to Parliament and to eventually take over the federal government.
Hundreds of supporters joined him in the special prayers, although some of them appeared worried about his imminent arrest over a sodomy complaint against him by his former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan. [Syed Hamid’s comment here –ed.]
After the prayers, the PKR de facto leader addressed the congregation for 20 minutes, reminding them to continue the fight for justice even if he was arrested and charged in court.
He also informed the crowd that he would formally announce his intention to contest the by-election in Permatang Pauh tomorrow night when he returns to his hometown.
The man, who spent six years in prison, is confident of his plan to take over the government, saying that he had full support of Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and DAP leader Lim Kit Siang. [Pas and DAP promise full support –ed.]
"I am contesting because I want to return to Parliament but they tried to stop from even entering Parliament House," Anwar said, alluding to a court order obtained by the police to bar him from the august House on July 14. [Anwar free to contest by-election, says PM –ed.]
"But do not despair.
He ended his short speech by exclaiming that "without your support, who is Anwar Ibrahim," before rushing for a late-night meeting with some of his close associates.